Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Favourite Chuckle Bro?

Top Question! #AskBeef  "Who's Your Favourite Chuckle Brother?"

I ALWAYS reply " How can you possibly choose between two legends?" They are a TEAM and there is no Me or I in team, they are a Duo, a unit, working together as one. My team mates at WCW say Barry and Paul remind them of myself and Jarda, a DYNAMIC duo, working harmoniously together! I pass him a spanner, and it goes like "from me to you, to me, to you, to me, to you....and so on, we roll about hilariously........apparently the Bros were massive in the Czech Republic and Ceska TV is still showing re-runs of Chuckle Vision series 3

You can probably name a few.......I can think of lives in Cornwall, but my all time hands down favourite has got to be this one....

This really is the Chuckle Bros at their best! 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Brush Heads (WFP)

Many of my fellow WFPers #AskBeef "Whats the best BrushHead to use Beef?"  I have to say its really down to preference, and the job in question. My little aide-memoir is "More dirt = More Bristles"
Heres a few of my favourites:
FaceLift Phoenix Lightweight (Above)
Packed full of Bristles and Redness this Monofilament Beauty ticks all the boxes.
Vikan Flagged Hi-Lo (Above) Great for really dirty stuff, cladding and sills.

Unger nLite Looks great in Green dosn't it? Next to RED, GREEN is my favourite colour.

Gardiner Brush. Worn with a certain nonchalance, don't you think?